This is a project classification page of different accomplished and on going projects by Xingrun

G22 Feicheng South to Taoyuan highway project 

Main works of this contract section:

The project adopts EPC mode. K17+464-k32+064, the main line is 14.6km long, two-way four lane, and 26m wide (including emergency Lane).

The project includes: Feicheng South toll plaza, Taoyuan toll plaza, Feicheng South Interchange, Taoyuan two-way service area, Zhaishan South tunnel, Wuqiangzhuang bridge and Zhaishan bridge.

Shanting Section Of Xintai Expressway


(¥423,246,711.28). The bidding price after deducting the provisional amount is: RMB (in words) Four Hundred Thirteen Million Forty Five Thousand Seven Hundred and Eight Yunan and Seventy Six Cents(¥413,052,708.76 ).

This contract is by unit price and the quantity shall prevail by actually occurred and approved by the supervision engineer and the employer.

Beizha Tunnel EPC Project (Yinkun Expressway Section)

Basic situation of the project: Long tunnel (separated) 2689.51m, the tunnel adopts one-way double lanes, each lane is 3.75m wide, with emergency passages, 24 sets of tunnel monitoring equipment, 6 sets of tunnel communication equipment, 8 sets of ventilation facilities, and lighting facilities 866 sets, 1 set ofcomputer control system of tunnel monitoring center, 1 set of low-voltage power distribution.The main engineering volume of this contract section: the total excavation of the project is 165,300 m³; the filling is 285,420 m³; the slope protection area: 18,703 m²; the tunnel lining is 36,529 m³. The tunnel pavement adopts a 20cm graded gravel base layer (30,200 m³), a 60cm cement stabilized gravel base layer (36,500 m³), and an 18cm asphalt concrete surface layer (218,600 m³).

The First Bid Section of Weixian Middle Road

The total length of the road is about 10044m. Among them: Ning River Bridge, 76 meters long, single span 20 meters; The total length of the road is 9968m and the width of the main road is about 53m; The area of Underpass pumping station is about 3566m2; The total length of rainwater and sewage pipe is about 22195m, and the pipe diameter is dn300-dn1500.